Efficient driving and the conservation of mechanical support
Drive more economically is on everyone’s lips. We live in the fattest economic crisis since the Civil War that brought and fuel prices are at almost record.
However, the implementation of efficient driving techniques should perform well, not anyway. The goal of efficient driving is basically save money on fuel. That’s why you should plan to take your car in diesel repair shop such as Diesel Repair Shop Surprise AZ. If done well, may be additional savings in brakes, tires, suspension wear and damage. However, if not done with minimal head, it can cause other failures that would not occur otherwise.
The low speed limit…
When we talk about revolutions and speed, is usually recommended second insert as soon as possible, third to 30 km/h, fourth at 40 km/h, fifth to 50 km/h … This recommendation is generic, surely serve for most models but there are exceptions galore.
So you have to take into account this second rule, monitor the minimum engine speed. It is advisable to work in a gasoline engine below 1500 RPM except in the lower gears (first and second). The more powerful engines, with 6/8 cylinders or more they take it much better.
As for the diesel, depends on engine. There are engines that below 1500 RPM are dead, others at 1,250 RPM single protest, and a minority works well near 1,000. Each engine is different, but in general, when the vibrations are higher, it is warning us: it asks to reduce
Incidentally, the above rules are for driving at constant speed on flat or downhill. If we want to accelerate smoothly, we can use these gears, but stepping on the accelerator gently. Who pressed thoroughly in such marches is abusing mechanics at low returns.
If the engine reacts well, though slowly, to a slight throttle pressure, we are doing well. If once it gets to vibrate or snitching, progress is incorrect for the current circumstances. Think like an automatic transmission, the engine before leaving to go forced reduced.
Ignoring these simple tips we can cause expensive damage, related to head gasket, cylinders or piston rods. The repair involves opening the engine (disassemble almost everything), many hours of labor and replace most expensive components that have the car.
If we need to use more than two thirds of the way from the throttle to maintain speed, we’re doing wrong. It is acceptable to go to half of the accelerator, but after those two thirds do not. An engine that go in-depth in fifth drowned, consume less in fourth with less tread of the accelerator.
That must constantly evaluate, not always true about lower rpm = less consumption. We also need to introduce the concept of load. Think of a bicycle. Consume much more energy (load) pedaling from standing in long gears that in short gears.
However, a utility less than 70 hp may circulate on fifth avenue in a 40 km/h perfectly, if you have short gears (normal in those cars). A quad power car can go very uncomfortable in those conditions, so we have to always think the best relationship, not only memorized fixed rules.