Edo Competition will tackle the Porsche 918 Spyder
The German tuner Edo Competition will examine the case of a soon Porsche 918 Spyder. First a small series…
Germans house Edo Competition will have a few hours of work in the coming weeks and months to come. We learn that the preparer has ordered three Porsche 918 Spyder on the 918 copies of the total production.
The first unit has joined local preparer. As usual Edo Competition offers a complete enough for all three units program. Remains to be seen what the tuner will succeed to offer when it knows the Cavalry of the 918 Spyder series: V8 4.6 liter of 608 hp and two electric motors (one 156 hp above the rear axle and a 129 hp front) for a power of 887 hp and 1280 Nm maximum use.
Without doubt Edo Competition will tinker with the V8 thermal. With respect to the performance of a more powerfully armed version, the coming months will allow to know. And that when we know that the Porsche 918 Spyder “basic” in quotes, already slap the 0-100 km/h in 2.8 to 345 km/h top speed …